Start into working life 2023
10 August 2023 | Filed in: Apprentices

Over the next three years, the junior staff will learn all the important skills and content they need as cutting machine operators, specialising in turning technology. Training Manager Marc Hillebrand (photo right) and Site Manager Michael Michalski (photo left) welcomed the new employees to the company at the Neheim site on 1 August.
The junior employees will start their training on 1 August at the Gemeinschafts-Lehrwerkstatt Arnsberg GmbH (GLW) in Herdringen. "It is important to us to train the junior employees ourselves according to our high standards and to bind them to Arnsberger Metallwerke in the long term," says training manager Marc Hillebrand.
Those interested can still apply for next year's training until May 2024. Information about the training opportunities is available from Mr. Hillebrand by telephone (+49 (0) 2932 - 63958 - 45) or by email (
The junior employees will start their training on 1 August at the Gemeinschafts-Lehrwerkstatt Arnsberg GmbH (GLW) in Herdringen. "It is important to us to train the junior employees ourselves according to our high standards and to bind them to Arnsberger Metallwerke in the long term," says training manager Marc Hillebrand.
Those interested can still apply for next year's training until May 2024. Information about the training opportunities is available from Mr. Hillebrand by telephone (+49 (0) 2932 - 63958 - 45) or by email (